Perinatal Mental Health FAQ

Women’s Mental Health Services at Sidra Medicine

At Sidra Medicine, we strive to spread the word about the importance of mental health during and after pregnancy. Many women experience anxiety and depression during this time and need support.

Our perinatal health services provide support for women and families as they deal with the stresses and pressures of parenthood.


Below are some frequently asked questions about perinatal mental health services.

We hope these will provide you with some insight into these services and encourage you to reach out if you or someone you care about, could benefit from it.

How can I prepare for my appointment?

If you are taking medications for any mental health condition now, or have in the past, it is helpful if you can provide the clinician with information including the name and dose of the medication and if possible to bring the current medications bottles with you. Also, if you have any letters or reports about previous treatments, bring them along, as these can also be very helpful.

It is helpful if you can arrive 15 minutes early to complete some preliminary questionnaires. These will assist your clinician to understand your situation and the support and treatment you are likely to benefit from.

Initial appointments usually take 1.5-2 hours.

Can anyone come with me to my appointment?

You are welcome to bring your husband or family member and your baby.

Not only can a family member provide support for you (and help with the baby, if you are bringing your baby), they can often provide helpful information that will aid your clinician in understanding your situation better. Husbands are often concerned for their wives and may benefit from information about perinatal mental health difficulties and how they can best support their wives.

What do I do if I realize I can’t attend the appointment and need to change my appointment time?

If you realize you cannot attend your appointment, give us a call on the number below as soon as possible to reschedule.

Is there someone in the clinic who can speak Arabic?

We have clinicians who are Arabic speakers. We also have trained medical interpreters and a language line.

My doctor prescribed medication to treat my mental health difficulties. Can these types of medications harm my baby?

You should always check with your doctor before taking any medications while pregnant or breastfeeding. The psychiatrists at our perinatal mental health service are trained in the prescription of medication for pregnant and breastfeeding women and able to provide advice and information to women and their families about the benefits and any risks that might be involved in taking medication when pregnant and/or breastfeeding.