Clinical Research at Sidra Medicine
Sidra Medicine’s Research ambition is to align with the Qatar Health National Strategy (NHS) 2018-2022. The NHS is based on 7-priority populations:
- Healthy children and adolescents
- Healthy women leading to healthy pregnancies
- Healthy and safe employees
- Mental health and well being
- Improved health for people with multiple chronic conditions
- Health and wellbeing for people with special needs
- Healthy aging
Currently Active Research Programs:
The purpose of the RICH database is to build a unified multi-center data repository for hypospadias cases. This will help explore short and long-term outcomes and will be regularly updated to answer newly emerging clinical questions.
- Immunology Program
To discovery, diagnose and treat patient populations in Qatar. This requires the development of more advanced immune profiling capabilities for larger cohort studies as well as in-depth immune-functional studies of selected patients with rare diseases.
- Genetics and Genomics Program
Molecular characterization of health and disease cohorts, and functional analysis of mutations that cause diseases in children and mothers. Functional genomics to evaluate of select disorders affecting children of Qatar (neurodevelopmental, sensory, heart, neuromuscular, immunology, endocrinology and metabolic).
- Precision Medicine
- Inherited Disease Program: Umbrella IRB established to capture suspected monogenic disease patients for long-term bio-banking and research.
- Cancer Program: Advanced cell and gene therapy programs have been established and are currently in their pre-clinical phase.
- Maternal and Child Health
The program aims to address major health problems facing pregnant women, their growing fetus, infants and children related but not limited to pregnancy and birth complications, the study of the effect of maternal diet, immunity and life style on neonatal immunity, Maternal and child mental health and to develop novel biomarkers and strategies for predicting pregnancy complications.
- Metabolism and Diabetes
Pregnancy and birth complications (recurrent miscarriages, preterm birth, intrauterine growth restriction, preeclampsia, etc.) and their association with maternal health; Healthy Mother-Healthy Baby (maternal diet, immunity and life style on neonatal immunity, role of breastfeeding); Maternal and child mental health.
- Digital Health Sciences
Will expand the computing platforms to meet the demand from ‘big data’ arising from multiomics technologies and provide optimized analytical capabilities. We will develop machine learning algorithms that facilitate the translation of knowledge gained from analysis of large-scale data into clinical diagnosis/prognosis/ treatment.
Participate In Clinical Research
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