How Your Body Changes with Pregnancy

As your baby grows inside you, your body will experience many changes. Below are some of the common changes a woman’s body experiences during pregnancy:

  • Tired - You may feel tired. Rest when you can.
  • Morning Sickness - You may throw up (vomit) regularly. This is called morning sickness, even though it can happen any time of day. Try eating several small meals and reduce the amount of spices you use in your food. If you are losing weight and can’t keep any food or drink down, tell your doctor. The doctor may give you medicine to help you feel better. In rare cases some women have to be admitted to hospital for care.
  • Cravings - You may want certain types of food more often or hate some foods you usually love.
    This is normal
  • Sore breast - Your breasts may feel swollen and tender. Your nipples and the area around them may become darker in color. Towards the end of your pregnancy colostrum (early breast milk) may leak from your breasts. Wearing breast pads in your bra can help with leaking.
  • Sleeping - You may have trouble sleeping. Try different sleeping positions, like sleeping on your side with an extra pillow between your knees.
  • Sweating - You may sweat more. This is normal.
  • Stretch Marks - As your belly grows your skin will stretch. You may develop stretch marks on and around your belly.
  • Varicose veins - Varicose veins (tiny blood vessels) can appear on your legs. They are caused by the pressure the uterus puts on the veins.
  • Swollen Feet - Your feet can become swollen. To help decrease swelling, put your legs up when you are sitting down. If your hands or face swell, call your doctor.
  • Constipation - You may develop constipation. Drink more water or fruit juice. Eat food with good fiber, like fruits and vegetables. Talk to your doctor about other ways to help decrease constipation.
  • Belly Button - Your belly button may stick out as your belly grows.
  • Incontinence - Small incontinence (leakage of urine) is normal as your pregnancy develops. Wearing a feminine hygiene pad will help catch any leaking urine (pee). Daily Kegel exercises can help.
    Kegels are done using the same muscles you use to start and stop urination (peeing). Squeezing these muscles to exercise them can help prevent incontinence issues.
  • Mood swings - You may experience changes in your mood and feelings. speak to your doctor if you are feeling down or unhappy

For more information or if you have any questions about changes in your body during pregnancy ask your doctor or nurse.