Anesthesia Crisis Resource Management

Date: January 20, 2019

A Collaborative Effort Between Adult Anesthesiology Simulation Department

Location:Sidra Medicine, Mall Level, OPC, Simulation Center

Learning Objectives:

1. Develop strategies to help appropriately diagnose and treat anesthesia emergencies.

2. Recall the importance of teamwork, communication skills, leadership and situational

awareness in dealing with clinical emergencies

3. Use a framework of non-technical skills analysis for self-reflection and analysis of

performance in the clinical emergency team setting.


Monzer Sadek

Sam Soltanifar

Target Audience:

Adult Anesthesiologist

Anesthesia Technologist

In support of improving patient care, Sidra Medicine is jointly accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), and the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), to provide continuing education for the healthcare team.


“This activity is an Accredited Group Learning Activity (Category 1) and an Assessment Activity (Category 3) as defined by the Qatar Council for Healthcare Practitioners - Accreditation Department and is approved for a maximum of 2 hours for Category 1 and maximum of 5 hours for Category3.

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